Scribble Talk

Scribble Talk

  • 314 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Dec 07, 2021
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At Scribble Talk Podcast, we document the journey of APMP veterans and the brightest bid & proposal minds in planet earth. To our listeners, please support our podcast. Your annual membership will help us to cover our costs to record, edit and host the digital audio vault of inspiring stories, teaching and talent episodes and more. Thank you for the love and support - Baskar Sundaram.

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At Scribble Talk Podcast, we document the journey of APMP veterans and the brightest bid & proposal minds in planet earth. To our listeners, please support our podcast. Your one time donation will help us to cover our costs to record, edit and host the digital audio vault of inspiring stories, teaching and talent episodes and more. Thank you for the love and support - Baskar Sundaram.

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Baachu Talk Equity Matters Episode 8 with Jane Elliot (Childhood Indoctrination, Removing Indoctrination, Reaction to MLK Assassination, Blue/Black Eyes Excercise, Impact on Kids,, Witnessed discrimination, Justice = Just Us, Question of Race, Stereotype

Sep 18, 2023 S03 E07 01:59:50

In this captivating episode, we have the privilege of hosting a truly exceptional figure, Jane Elliott. She's not just a globally recognized educator, lecturer, and diversity trainer; she's a unique voice with profound insights that seem to have sprung from a prejudice-free vacuum.

Honored with the prestigious National Mental Health Association Award for Excellence in Education, Jane Elliott has dedicated her life to shedding light on the baselessness of prejudice and bigotry. Her journey, marked by fearless determination, has left an indelible mark on the world.

Jane Elliott's story unfolds in response to the tragic event of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination in 1968, when she conceived the groundbreaking "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes Exercise." This transformative experiment, now celebrated worldwide, assigns individuals as inferior or superior based solely on their eye color, immersing them in the profound experience of marginalization. Through lectures, workshops, and videos, Jane Elliott's teachings continue to impact all who encounter them.

Listening to Jane Elliott is like entering a world where insightful opinions flow effortlessly, as if she were born in a prejudice-free vacuum. With unwavering determination, she dismantles defenses, prompting profound introspection and stirring uncomfortable emotions. We cannot shy away from the discomfort and unease she invokes as she fearlessly challenges, exposes, and confronts. In the midst of these stark moments, Jane Elliott emerges as a beacon of inspiration, motivating us all to confront our biases and embrace the transformative power of change. Join us as we delve into her extraordinary insights and the enduring legacy of her work.

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