Baachu and APMP Showdown - Building Bridges - Baachu's willingness to Work with New APMP Board - Episode 19
Feb 19, 2023 • S07 E19 • 00:02:35
In the final episode of the Baachu and APMP Showdown, the team urges the new APMP Board to work with them to find a mutually beneficial solution to any concerns that have been raised. The lack of communication and dialogue between Baachu and APMP has contributed to the revocation of Baachu's ATO status in June 2022, and they feel that the APMP Board did not take the time to familiarize themselves with their efforts before revoking their status.
Baachu believes that revoking their ATO status does not serve the best interest of APMP members or the proposal management industry as a whole. They express a willingness to work with the new Board to address any concerns and engage in constructive dialogue. They also believe that legal action should be a last resort, and that all ATOs and non-ATOs providing APMP training should be treated fairly and equitably, and any claims of copyright infringement should be based on legitimate grounds.
Baachu urges the new APMP Board to engage in open communication and dialogue with them to find a mutually beneficial solution that serves the interests of all parties involved and the bid and proposal profession as a whole. They remain committed to open communication, transparency, and fairness, and they look forward to finding a way to move forward together.
In conclusion, the team hopes that the new APMP Board will take this opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue with Baachu and work towards a solution that benefits everyone involved. The importance of open communication and transparency in resolving disputes is emphasized, and Baachu believes that this is the best way to find a mutually beneficial solution that serves the interests of all parties involved and the bid and proposal profession as a whole.